May Favourites

Good morning staff and students!

Shoutout to all of the people following the blog. 😉 Been a little bit more active on Instagram so if you miss me, you can follow me there (hint hint nudge nudge).

Back to some monthly favourites!

  1. Blanket Scarf (from Aritzia, $45 [yaaaay deals])The amount of treacherous times when I’m freezing in the office is beyond me. It’s getting to the point where I’m here in Antarctica and my coworkers feel like I’m over exaggerating. It could be the low iron, who knows, but my God, having a blanket scarf you leave at your desk will save souls. Blessed be, blanket scarf. Blessed be.
  2. Black Flats (from Winners, $29.99)Yeah, I’m basic. DEAL WIT IT. At first, I didn’t see these on the shelf, but then I saw a girl trying them out and I was steadily creeping hoping she wouldn’t take them in the end. Like literally, I was creeping behind shelves and pillars hoping I could snatch them her feet. She put it in empty shopping cart that was to the side. I THEN DIVED AND DID A DOUBLE-TWIST BODY ROLL and found out they weren’t my size. I walked away but then realized there was a pair in my size literally in the shelf over lol. Oh yea, and that empty shopping cart? Yea her mom was using it. So HEY, we both got the shoes we wanted (yayyyyy).
  3. The Office (on Netflix)IT’S BEEN MY LIFE MISSION TO FINISH THIS SERIES. Just kidding, I only knew about this show cause someone told me about it in the beginning of the month. I knew what the Office was before, but I got way too hooked. It’s now been less than a month, and I’m already on Season 8 (send help).

That’s all so far guys. I’ve been a pretty boring soul this past month, but hopefully when the Sun comes out, Jasmine would be ready to tango as well. 😊


The “Adult” Life

Hey guys.

First off, I do have to apologize for not being as active as I should be AND I WISH I COULD SAY IT WAS BECAUSE I WAS BUSY, but I just literally don’t know what happened these past few weeks. It’s been an absolute blur.

But Jasmine’s back now, on the blog, and ready to shed some light on the world that is adulting.

I make it sound like I’m super old, but it’s only been three weeks since I started my full-time job, and to be honest, it feels so weird. Why you may ask?

Well, to be frank, it’s a weird transition. You’re not ever going to feel like you’re finally an adult, no I just feel like I’m still on co-op, ready to go back to school after these 4 or 8 months are back up, and I’ll still see all of my professors and still die over studies. But this isn’t the case. My mind is having a hard time trying to grip with this reality.

Second, you actually have to start thinking about savings. And yeah, I used to save for school, but now I have to save for a house, car, bills, rent, etc. This isn’t just a co-op anymore, it’s an actual job/career that will help build your entire life. Am I overreacting? Most definitely yes. But you should know by now this is who I am. *shrugs*

Third, you feel so disconnected, and I don’t know if that’s just me, but I don’t feel connected in school anymore. I have friends telling me what’s happening on campus and club stuff and whatnot, but even though I’m still technically involved, I don’t feel like I’m the same go-to, super involved person anymore. I always thought that after, what, 10 years of being involved in extra-curriculars (holy, it’s been 10 years…) I would miss it, but it’s a weird focus shift now.

I honestly don’t know what I feel right now. It’s just such a weird transition and I’m still in this limbo. I can’t really give any solid advice other than the fact that you will have an internal battle during this time. You’ve been in school for so long now, that when you are finally out, you kind of fumble around, not 100% sure how to act or what to do in fear that you remain in that student mindset.

I’ll keep you guys in the loop, but for now, I’m going to enjoy the free breakfast we have here at Touché!

DM me if you want to know more about the feats of Jasmine, but for now, see you guys on the flip side!


PS: Thanks for all the influx of email subscribers! It means a lot to know that I still have an audience, even if I`m slacking. ALSO, I`m thinking of starting a Youtube channel to sate my internal turmoil of `what to do, what to do.` Let me know if that’s a good idea or not. 😉

Thank you TD.

It was the beginning of October 2015 when I got a call from Shelley, the manager at TD, to work for her and the 1844 branch.

And I was stoked.

Both my mom and my brother worked for TD, and it was amazing to know I’d be able to be a part of the holy Shek trinity and to work for TD as well. It took a few tries, not going to lie, and lowkey was ready to leave the Best Buy life (sorry not sorry).

I started as a measly little 19 year-old, thinking to myself “Hell yeah I can talk to customers and ya for cash and life will be dandy.” Little did I know some customers can really be jarring. There were some shifts where I actually cried. Looking back at it, and if you work in retail, don’t even sweat the small stuff. At the end of the day, if you know that you’re doing what is right for the customer, don’t let them chastise you. It took me a good year and a half to get this, but you will get there. But generally, customer service is no joke. It takes the patience of a saint and the attitude of a charity worker to really understand where people come from.

Anywho, other than my PRAISE THE LAWDS OF CUSTOMER SERVICE, I truly want to thank my team at 1844. The guys I’ve worked with (and I’ve worked with a variety of different people) are one of the funniest, animated, and amazing people I know. They know how to have fun and at the same time understand what customers need, and honestly you don’t really see that nowadays. Big shoutout to all of the people I’ve worked with, because you’ve helped me understand what it is like to be a hard worker and a great one at that.

To my managers, Danie, Shelley, Fareha, and Sarah, you guys have been amazing. I know it’s not easy to have to do retail banking but you four have really become my rocks during my time at 1844. You guys are honestly so sweet and have no qualms about my lame and not intentional jokes.

I count my lucky stars (I say this a lot) but truly, absolutely, everyone at this branch has shaped me to become the person I am today. Even the customers that come in and remember my name, gift my flowers and chocolates (goodbye hips) and even the ones that yell. I can confidently say that it’s helped me become a better person and to constantly look forward.

April 19th, 2018 was my last shift at TD Canada Trust, 1844.

Thank you second family, and I hope we can connect as the weeks progress into years. Thank you for everything and I will bring everything that I’ve learnt back to my job right now.

Thank you.


Thank you MESA.

“You’re worthless. You won’t amount to anything. You shouldn’t even be here.”


These were the thoughts I had going into university. And these were the things that I felt would deter me from ever really succeeding in university.

But then I met MESA. And I know this sounds super sappy, but I really do want to pay homage to an organization that made me feel so welcomed, and to the people that really made sure I was a part of the team.

I started out as a teeny beeny Social Events Associate, thankful that out of hundreds of applications they liked me how many streetlights answer that I completely butchered. I remember sitting there, thinking that damn they are SERIOUS (shoutout to Kenny and Brittany’s RBF). I even remember prepping and amping myself up in the Student Centre bathroom (I do this before every interview tbh). From then on, I remember thinking how grateful I was that people still believed in me, even though I couldn’t believe in myself.

During the MVP orientation day, I also remembered the MESA 1415 speech, where Vivekan spoke of how to inspire others and to really make a difference in my first year. From then on, I wanted to be able to be that change for people to. There, I decided I wanted to work towards becoming the MESA President in my final year. This goal didn’t necessarily just stem from first year. No, this began when I was in Grade 6. I was shy, awkward, and tall and of course the forefront of Shrek jokes (haha so funny la). I remember going into my Grade 7 Orientation and thinking I was tired of feeling so alone and faceless, and then, the Grade 8 President at the time made another speech, telling us again we weren’t just Grade 6 students. We were being welcomed. And this is why I planned to become Grade 8 President then onto SAC President, and finally to MESA.

I can’t lie, somewhere down the line I lost my path. I started to become a part of this to make other students feel welcomed, but somewhere down high school, it began to just feel like a popularity item, a way to solidify my social status amongst other people. High school ultimately told me that if you were a shitty person, it will come back to you. And it did.

That’s why UofT really made me think back on these perspectives, and MESA in itself made me think it’s okay to change, as long as you’re changing for the better. This was what I was taught in my first year, and I’m forever grateful to Luxshiani, Kenny, and Brittany for taking that chance on me. You three really set my career in motion for MESA.

During my second year, I was again the lucky few to be a part of MESA as an Events Director. It was one of the best years I’ve ever been a part of, because I got to take on so much more responsibilities. It taught me that I wasn’t just a first year now, so many people are counting on me to pull through these flagship events, and to me that was bare motivation. I didn’t want to disappoint such great people that had put their time and effort to make sure my events succeeded. A huge shoutout to Kenny and William for being my rocks and always hyping me to be more, do more and achieve more.

As VP of Development and Growth it taught me that an organization isn’t just all roses and flowers. It’s tough. This role had so many ups and downs and really helped me ground myself that it wasn’t just a school organization. You’re representing yourself as a brand to external students and to corporations. It helped me realize that there’s so much more you have to be careful of, how to sustain long term growth, and how to motivate your team to do the same things Kenny and William taught me just in the previous years.

Lastly, Presidency.

There’s so many things I want to say and I just don’t know how to phrase it. Was it a perfect year? No. Did I want to get everything that I wanted to do for this year? Also no. But what I’m thankful for is the fact that I got to bring a team in with me that has hopefully learned all of the things I’ve learned in the past three years I’ve had with MESA. I also hope it brought new friendships and perspectives as it did for me. But most importantly, I hope it made them feel like they were a part of something bigger, that they got value. As long as I made some small impact in their lives under my leadership, I will be happy to know that I did make a change.

And for those reading this and not in MESA; get involved. I can’t say this enough. I came in thinking I had nothing and that my past would follow me into university. But all of these things washed away when I met so many great people that believed in what I could do. It brought me lifelong friends I would have never known if I wasn’t in a school Association.

Cherish these university years. Now that I’m graduated, I’ll be working full time now as an Assistant Media Strategist at Touche Media. It’s an exciting time, but I know that the same motivation and aspirations I’ve had will continue well beyond my university career.

And now that I’m officially done, this closes off my university blogging now. It’s time for what comes after.


what’s next?

I tend to think of life in separate stages.

  1. Your childhood, where everything was jolly and good, and you didn’t have a care in the world. Your only biggest concern was where to put the Barbie in the house, or when your Mom was going to let you eat dessert before dinner.
  2. School age, where you know you’re going to be studying, and you know you got elementary, then middle, then high school, then university. Life is certain, you’re growing, and you know you’re preparing for the next chapter.

Except, now that I’m finally just a month away from the next chapter, it scares me. I used to always know what I was going to be doing next year. It was always, “Yeah, I’m going to be back at UTSC studying and dying blah blah blah.” But now that I’m graduating, I don’t know, and that truly scares me. 

And it’s not just the fact that I don’t know what is next in store for me, but the fact that there is now a 50+ year gap of my next ‘stage’, where I will just be working for the next 50+ years until the next stage, which is retirement.

What am I going to do? Where am I going to go? Am I going to get married and have kids? Are they stages in itself?

These are questions I’ve been having for the past 4 months, as I slowly come to terms to the fact that I won’t be at UTSC anymore. I won’t have Student Council or MESA or Professors or Exams. And although I’m relieved, I am scared.

So, this is an homage to all the other people in the same boat as I am. I’m scared, you might be scared, but this is just a reminder that you are not alone.

Thanks for hearing my thoughts; and I really needed to get this out of my system.

Let’s hope for the better, yeah?


pushing 6 hours at the local green grotto

Right now, I’m pushing a near 6 hours at this Green Grotto, getting some heavy glares from people wondering why I’m a lone girl in a 4 seater, and I can’t help but internally complain about the various amounts of exams I will have.

At the same time, I’m kind of also internally yelling at myself, because I’m fortunate enough to have been given the opportunity to constantly learn.

And then I yell at myself again for having two other people in my head yelling, and then I end up giving up and starting to write on this blog to kind of shut myself up to finalize it all.

If you’re like me; yes, we’re struggling with exams, and it’s one of those “this really sucks” moments, but at the same time, we kind of have to be happy to be in a country where we can actually have the chance to complain about education. So yeah, cheers to us, and to the abuse we put our brain through in the month of December.

I’ll see you guys on the other side (or well, until December 14th, my last day of exams).



tip of the day

If you’re feeling extremely overwhelmed, I would recommend taking an hour in your day to do absolutely nothing.

I know this seems a little bit odd, but when you’re constantly overanalyzing every bagel or word, it’s better to poop out the unnecessary information in your brain.


people are selfish.

You’ll come to realize that there are some very unreliable people you will come across. And I don’t mean this in a cynical way. I mean this as a fact of life. It’s hard to constantly give and think that people will return the same, because all in all, people can act selfish, and that’s 100% okay. What’s not 100% okay, is taking advantage of other people for your own needs.

I was catching up with my friend the other day and as she told me of all the things that have happened, I couldn’t help but feel that you automatically need to have a guard for when it comes to situations like these.

And this is just some advice to you folk out there reading my blog. Whether it’s a significant other, a family member, friends or foes, do NOT let others bring you down. Focus on your own achievements and your own life, because worrying about another person that doesn’t put in the same effort as you just completely d r a i n s you.

And I know; I’ve been there.

You are worth it and you deserve so much more. These people that did you dirty? They’re irrelevant. It’s a bullet completely and utterly Matrix-dodged. Feel better knowing in life that you did the best you could do, and if they couldn’t reciprocate it, then it’s a lesson learned and a distant memory. And of course, why give them the satisfaction of knowing that they messed you up? Again, dear comrade, they. are. irrelevant.

It’s easier said than done, I know, but if you ever feel like you’re in a slump, here are my two cents of what you can do:

  1. Wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and tell yourself to get your shit together. I know, it sounds kind of silly, but when you have you telling you off, it kind of puts things into “Okay, seriously, I actually need to get my stuff together.”
  2. Document the good moments. It’s easy to get bogged down by the negatives, but think of the good moments too. Hanging out with friends and family? I recommend putting it in a jar so that when you are feeling down; you can read on the little slips of paper the stuff that did happen that made you happy.
  3. Listen to calming music/sounds. My go-to: Shri Guru Charanam. I swear, I don’t know what it is, but they put some subliminal message to make me relaxed.
  4. Agenda: Document all the things you have to do each day to improve yourself. Have a calendar and write down at least ONE thing you can look forward to each day. My schedule goes like this: Sunday: catch up on TV shows and hang out with family | Monday: gym | Tuesday: family dinner | Wednesday: basketball | Thursday: gym | Friday: hanging out with friends | Saturday: shopping
  5. Leverage your support structure: Unless you have shitty friends, you should have a good support structure around you.
  6. New hobbies/doing things you love: I know this sounds utterly stupid, but it is something that has brought meaning to the life of UofTears. When I was in a slump, I would just dance or start writing, and because of these things, I actually ended up having them as part-hobbies.

Focus on your successes and your own life, because in the end, these people and memories are going to be a distant memory. And hey, if you need someone to talk to, I’m always here!




My personal tips on studying

LET ME TELL YOU HOW TO NOT PROCRASTINATE…..While I procrastinate on my own exams.


Anywho, here are some tips I personally found that were super helpful for me, again, if you procrastinated and haven’t even begun to study for that one exam in 12 hours (whoops).

  1. NEVER. EVER. LIE ON YOUR BED. Every time I tell myself “Oh it’s more relaxing on my bed” or “Hey, maybe a quick nap.” IT’S FATALITY. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO WAKE UP. Then you wake up and cry because you’re a horrible person that can’t study.
  2. Eat. Yeah, this might not be good for your 2016 New Year’s Resolution BUT WHO CARES, YOU GOT A MONTH LEFT UNTIL YOU MAKE YOUR NEW 2017 RESOLUTION. YOU CAN BE FIT THEN. I always tell myself that eating is my way of rewarding myself for working so hard. Yup. I worked hard, so let me be.
  3. Study with other people. I personally get so distracted when I’m studying by myself. Whether it’s me going to the library or calling up another person to study with me, it’s like “Oh man everyone around is studying so hard, I should study too” then you feel guilty for being a piece of poo while all your other colleagues are getting their 4.0 GPAs. 
  4. Constantly tell yourself you’re a badass and you can arm wrestle these exams into giving you an A. Seriously. If you can get your head in the zone, like you do before a game, it seriously makes all the difference. That’s why I point at myself in the mirror and scold myself, “You better study today Jasmine.”72280107
  5. Listen to music. It’s very easy for me to fall asleep and get really tired while studying. However, when I’m listening to music, it’s a lot easier to wake up and be alert, since I’m pretending to be a rockstar.
  6. Work towards a goal after exams are done. Looking forward to the end is always something I tell myself, and it’s even better when I promise future Jasmine a nice shopping spree if present Jasmine does well on exams.

Anyway, best of luck guys, and don’t stress! THE LIGHT IS NEAR.