My personal tips on studying

LET ME TELL YOU HOW TO NOT PROCRASTINATE…..While I procrastinate on my own exams.


Anywho, here are some tips I personally found that were super helpful for me, again, if you procrastinated and haven’t even begun to study for that one exam in 12 hours (whoops).

  1. NEVER. EVER. LIE ON YOUR BED. Every time I tell myself “Oh it’s more relaxing on my bed” or “Hey, maybe a quick nap.” IT’S FATALITY. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO WAKE UP. Then you wake up and cry because you’re a horrible person that can’t study.
  2. Eat. Yeah, this might not be good for your 2016 New Year’s Resolution BUT WHO CARES, YOU GOT A MONTH LEFT UNTIL YOU MAKE YOUR NEW 2017 RESOLUTION. YOU CAN BE FIT THEN. I always tell myself that eating is my way of rewarding myself for working so hard. Yup. I worked hard, so let me be.
  3. Study with other people. I personally get so distracted when I’m studying by myself. Whether it’s me going to the library or calling up another person to study with me, it’s like “Oh man everyone around is studying so hard, I should study too” then you feel guilty for being a piece of poo while all your other colleagues are getting their 4.0 GPAs. 
  4. Constantly tell yourself you’re a badass and you can arm wrestle these exams into giving you an A. Seriously. If you can get your head in the zone, like you do before a game, it seriously makes all the difference. That’s why I point at myself in the mirror and scold myself, “You better study today Jasmine.”72280107
  5. Listen to music. It’s very easy for me to fall asleep and get really tired while studying. However, when I’m listening to music, it’s a lot easier to wake up and be alert, since I’m pretending to be a rockstar.
  6. Work towards a goal after exams are done. Looking forward to the end is always something I tell myself, and it’s even better when I promise future Jasmine a nice shopping spree if present Jasmine does well on exams.

Anyway, best of luck guys, and don’t stress! THE LIGHT IS NEAR.