May Favourites

Good morning staff and students!

Shoutout to all of the people following the blog. 😉 Been a little bit more active on Instagram so if you miss me, you can follow me there (hint hint nudge nudge).

Back to some monthly favourites!

  1. Blanket Scarf (from Aritzia, $45 [yaaaay deals])The amount of treacherous times when I’m freezing in the office is beyond me. It’s getting to the point where I’m here in Antarctica and my coworkers feel like I’m over exaggerating. It could be the low iron, who knows, but my God, having a blanket scarf you leave at your desk will save souls. Blessed be, blanket scarf. Blessed be.
  2. Black Flats (from Winners, $29.99)Yeah, I’m basic. DEAL WIT IT. At first, I didn’t see these on the shelf, but then I saw a girl trying them out and I was steadily creeping hoping she wouldn’t take them in the end. Like literally, I was creeping behind shelves and pillars hoping I could snatch them her feet. She put it in empty shopping cart that was to the side. I THEN DIVED AND DID A DOUBLE-TWIST BODY ROLL and found out they weren’t my size. I walked away but then realized there was a pair in my size literally in the shelf over lol. Oh yea, and that empty shopping cart? Yea her mom was using it. So HEY, we both got the shoes we wanted (yayyyyy).
  3. The Office (on Netflix)IT’S BEEN MY LIFE MISSION TO FINISH THIS SERIES. Just kidding, I only knew about this show cause someone told me about it in the beginning of the month. I knew what the Office was before, but I got way too hooked. It’s now been less than a month, and I’m already on Season 8 (send help).

That’s all so far guys. I’ve been a pretty boring soul this past month, but hopefully when the Sun comes out, Jasmine would be ready to tango as well. 😊


Thank you MESA.

“You’re worthless. You won’t amount to anything. You shouldn’t even be here.”


These were the thoughts I had going into university. And these were the things that I felt would deter me from ever really succeeding in university.

But then I met MESA. And I know this sounds super sappy, but I really do want to pay homage to an organization that made me feel so welcomed, and to the people that really made sure I was a part of the team.

I started out as a teeny beeny Social Events Associate, thankful that out of hundreds of applications they liked me how many streetlights answer that I completely butchered. I remember sitting there, thinking that damn they are SERIOUS (shoutout to Kenny and Brittany’s RBF). I even remember prepping and amping myself up in the Student Centre bathroom (I do this before every interview tbh). From then on, I remember thinking how grateful I was that people still believed in me, even though I couldn’t believe in myself.

During the MVP orientation day, I also remembered the MESA 1415 speech, where Vivekan spoke of how to inspire others and to really make a difference in my first year. From then on, I wanted to be able to be that change for people to. There, I decided I wanted to work towards becoming the MESA President in my final year. This goal didn’t necessarily just stem from first year. No, this began when I was in Grade 6. I was shy, awkward, and tall and of course the forefront of Shrek jokes (haha so funny la). I remember going into my Grade 7 Orientation and thinking I was tired of feeling so alone and faceless, and then, the Grade 8 President at the time made another speech, telling us again we weren’t just Grade 6 students. We were being welcomed. And this is why I planned to become Grade 8 President then onto SAC President, and finally to MESA.

I can’t lie, somewhere down the line I lost my path. I started to become a part of this to make other students feel welcomed, but somewhere down high school, it began to just feel like a popularity item, a way to solidify my social status amongst other people. High school ultimately told me that if you were a shitty person, it will come back to you. And it did.

That’s why UofT really made me think back on these perspectives, and MESA in itself made me think it’s okay to change, as long as you’re changing for the better. This was what I was taught in my first year, and I’m forever grateful to Luxshiani, Kenny, and Brittany for taking that chance on me. You three really set my career in motion for MESA.

During my second year, I was again the lucky few to be a part of MESA as an Events Director. It was one of the best years I’ve ever been a part of, because I got to take on so much more responsibilities. It taught me that I wasn’t just a first year now, so many people are counting on me to pull through these flagship events, and to me that was bare motivation. I didn’t want to disappoint such great people that had put their time and effort to make sure my events succeeded. A huge shoutout to Kenny and William for being my rocks and always hyping me to be more, do more and achieve more.

As VP of Development and Growth it taught me that an organization isn’t just all roses and flowers. It’s tough. This role had so many ups and downs and really helped me ground myself that it wasn’t just a school organization. You’re representing yourself as a brand to external students and to corporations. It helped me realize that there’s so much more you have to be careful of, how to sustain long term growth, and how to motivate your team to do the same things Kenny and William taught me just in the previous years.

Lastly, Presidency.

There’s so many things I want to say and I just don’t know how to phrase it. Was it a perfect year? No. Did I want to get everything that I wanted to do for this year? Also no. But what I’m thankful for is the fact that I got to bring a team in with me that has hopefully learned all of the things I’ve learned in the past three years I’ve had with MESA. I also hope it brought new friendships and perspectives as it did for me. But most importantly, I hope it made them feel like they were a part of something bigger, that they got value. As long as I made some small impact in their lives under my leadership, I will be happy to know that I did make a change.

And for those reading this and not in MESA; get involved. I can’t say this enough. I came in thinking I had nothing and that my past would follow me into university. But all of these things washed away when I met so many great people that believed in what I could do. It brought me lifelong friends I would have never known if I wasn’t in a school Association.

Cherish these university years. Now that I’m graduated, I’ll be working full time now as an Assistant Media Strategist at Touche Media. It’s an exciting time, but I know that the same motivation and aspirations I’ve had will continue well beyond my university career.

And now that I’m officially done, this closes off my university blogging now. It’s time for what comes after.


february – tv show list

If you were wondering where I’ve been for the past month, I honestly can tell you I’ve been doing such amazing, productive things….


In any case, while I lavish in my own misery of ‘productivity’ I wanted to share with you the shows I started binging in an unhealthy fashion.

  1. NEW GIRL (romantic comedy): My friend told me give it a try and would you look at that, Netflix has all the seasons up. I’ve always heard good thing about New Girl, but I didn’t really know fully what to expect. HOWEVER, I’m now 3 seasons in and I only began a week ago, so I can honestly tell you that this show is so funny, it hurts. My favourite character? Schmidt, HANDS. DOWN.
  2. ALTERED CARBON: Also on Netflix, if you like the whole dystopian, ‘you don’t die you just go into another body’ concept, this is the one for you! The main actor, Joel, is yum. Be careful though, because you will see some nudity.
  3. KAMISAMA HAJIMEMASHITA (romantic comedy anime)Okay honestly, tried to get my friend into it, and she wasn’t a fan (you’re a hater Jess), but it’s honestly so cute and made me question my entire existence for a whole week. I would only recommend if you watch anime frequently, or else it just doesn’t make any sense and looks extremely extra (which… it is).
  4. THE GOOD PLACE (love Kristen Bell, and funny): This is such a light-hearted show (also on Netflix), I actually am in love with it. I technically watched this in January, but I highly recommend it just because it’s such a good-natured show. It’s also really funny and talks about ‘the after-life’.
  5. VIOLET EVERGARDEN (beautifully animated-anime): This one is a bit on the boring side, but if you really appreciate cinematics, I think you’ll enjoy this anime. It’s about this girl named Violet that used to be a human weapon, but now is trying to fit in the regular world. Also romantic (ish?), but really feels good in the soul.

Note, all of these guys (except for Kamisama) is on Netflix. You’re welcome. And if you don’t have Netflix? I’m so sorry for your loss.

You guys got any shows you want to recommend me? Link me up!

Until then, I’m going to go back to my happy place.


favourites of the month – J A N U A R Y

Good evening party people, and you know what I’m doing on this fresh Saturday evening?


Oh yes, the glories of sitting for a good 6 hours trying to make sense of the deeply philosophical articles that your Marketing professor needs you to analyze.

In any case, I wanted to introduce a new segment called ‘favourites of the month’! Can be anything from things I’ve had for years but thought really saved me this month, or things I recently got that I luurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrv.

This month I wanted to give thanks to the following:

  1. Bullet Journal ($29.99 at Indigo and $19.99 coloured markers at Amazon) – I’ve always been an avid fan of my agenda, but (no offence) really didn’t like the layout of my school’s. After reading and endless amount of research (jk, just an hour), I decided to make my own, complete with total forgetfulness of filling things in. Regardless, it really is a life-saver, and on top of that, it really makes it look like I have my shit together. (
  2. Adidas 3-Stripped Leggings ($55 on the Adidas site, got mine with 25% discount) – So recently my friend and I started a healthy regime, and one of the things we’re doing is the Kayla challenge. Hahahahah (kill me). Anywho, one of the things I believe in, is IF YOU LOOK GOOD AT THE GYM, JA FEEL GOOD. However, the sadness is that it doesn’t pass the squat test, so if you’re doing legs, don’t wear this. 😦 (
  3. Netflix (free with my brother muhaha) – I didn’t think I could enjoy something so much, but my god those daily commutes are heavenly now because of the download feature on Netflix. You guys are doing things RIGHT. Thank the Heavens. (
  4. Pyrex Tupperware ($19.99 for a 10-piece set, even though the lid also counts as a piece) – I read on a fitness blog that the tupperware makes all the difference when it comes your meal prepping, and my goodness they were right. I used to have the nasty plastic ones that ended up staining and smelling, but the glass ones just feel right. (

Anywho, those are my two cents and my costs. Hope this inspired you in some small way!
