pushing 6 hours at the local green grotto

Right now, I’m pushing a near 6 hours at this Green Grotto, getting some heavy glares from people wondering why I’m a lone girl in a 4 seater, and I can’t help but internally complain about the various amounts of exams I will have.

At the same time, I’m kind of also internally yelling at myself, because I’m fortunate enough to have been given the opportunity to constantly learn.

And then I yell at myself again for having two other people in my head yelling, and then I end up giving up and starting to write on this blog to kind of shut myself up to finalize it all.

If you’re like me; yes, we’re struggling with exams, and it’s one of those “this really sucks” moments, but at the same time, we kind of have to be happy to be in a country where we can actually have the chance to complain about education. So yeah, cheers to us, and to the abuse we put our brain through in the month of December.

I’ll see you guys on the other side (or well, until December 14th, my last day of exams).



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