favourites of the month – J A N U A R Y

Good evening party people, and you know what I’m doing on this fresh Saturday evening?


Oh yes, the glories of sitting for a good 6 hours trying to make sense of the deeply philosophical articles that your Marketing professor needs you to analyze.

In any case, I wanted to introduce a new segment called ‘favourites of the month’! Can be anything from things I’ve had for years but thought really saved me this month, or things I recently got that I luurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrv.

This month I wanted to give thanks to the following:

  1. Bullet Journal ($29.99 at Indigo and $19.99 coloured markers at Amazon) – I’ve always been an avid fan of my agenda, but (no offence) really didn’t like the layout of my school’s. After reading and endless amount of research (jk, just an hour), I decided to make my own, complete with total forgetfulness of filling things in. Regardless, it really is a life-saver, and on top of that, it really makes it look like I have my shit together. (https://www.chapters.indigo.ca/en-ca/paper/bullet-journaling/)
  2. Adidas 3-Stripped Leggings ($55 on the Adidas site, got mine with 25% discount) – So recently my friend and I started a healthy regime, and one of the things we’re doing is the Kayla challenge. Hahahahah (kill me). Anywho, one of the things I believe in, is IF YOU LOOK GOOD AT THE GYM, JA FEEL GOOD. However, the sadness is that it doesn’t pass the squat test, so if you’re doing legs, don’t wear this. 😦 (https://www.adidas.ca/en/womens-3-stripes-leggings/AJ8156.html)
  3. Netflix (free with my brother muhaha) – I didn’t think I could enjoy something so much, but my god those daily commutes are heavenly now because of the download feature on Netflix. You guys are doing things RIGHT. Thank the Heavens. (www.netflix.com)
  4. Pyrex Tupperware ($19.99 for a 10-piece set, even though the lid also counts as a piece) – I read on a fitness blog that the tupperware makes all the difference when it comes your meal prepping, and my goodness they were right. I used to have the nasty plastic ones that ended up staining and smelling, but the glass ones just feel right. (https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/pyrex-storage-set-with-lids/6000053280246)

Anywho, those are my two cents and my costs. Hope this inspired you in some small way!
