february – tv show list

If you were wondering where I’ve been for the past month, I honestly can tell you I’ve been doing such amazing, productive things….


In any case, while I lavish in my own misery of ‘productivity’ I wanted to share with you the shows I started binging in an unhealthy fashion.

  1. NEW GIRL (romantic comedy): My friend told me give it a try and would you look at that, Netflix has all the seasons up. I’ve always heard good thing about New Girl, but I didn’t really know fully what to expect. HOWEVER, I’m now 3 seasons in and I only began a week ago, so I can honestly tell you that this show is so funny, it hurts. My favourite character? Schmidt, HANDS. DOWN.
  2. ALTERED CARBON: Also on Netflix, if you like the whole dystopian, ‘you don’t die you just go into another body’ concept, this is the one for you! The main actor, Joel, is yum. Be careful though, because you will see some nudity.
  3. KAMISAMA HAJIMEMASHITA (romantic comedy anime)Okay honestly, tried to get my friend into it, and she wasn’t a fan (you’re a hater Jess), but it’s honestly so cute and made me question my entire existence for a whole week. I would only recommend if you watch anime frequently, or else it just doesn’t make any sense and looks extremely extra (which… it is).
  4. THE GOOD PLACE (love Kristen Bell, and funny): This is such a light-hearted show (also on Netflix), I actually am in love with it. I technically watched this in January, but I highly recommend it just because it’s such a good-natured show. It’s also really funny and talks about ‘the after-life’.
  5. VIOLET EVERGARDEN (beautifully animated-anime): This one is a bit on the boring side, but if you really appreciate cinematics, I think you’ll enjoy this anime. It’s about this girl named Violet that used to be a human weapon, but now is trying to fit in the regular world. Also romantic (ish?), but really feels good in the soul.

Note, all of these guys (except for Kamisama) is on Netflix. You’re welcome. And if you don’t have Netflix? I’m so sorry for your loss.

You guys got any shows you want to recommend me? Link me up!

Until then, I’m going to go back to my happy place.
