It begins, again.

Hello there. My name is Jasmine, and who am I?

Well, the person that has been SEVERELY neglecting this blog post. So why am I starting this back up again?

  1. Definitely need some type of outlet.
  2. More interesting stuff has happened to me.
  3. And people that I didn’t think were interested in this blog, actually wanted to know more about it.

I took the time to read my old posts, and I have to say, it’s nice hearing my own thoughts 2+ years ago and how different I’ve become from there. That being said, I’m still the lame, goofy oddball, but with a full time job and horrendous commute.

As to #1:

Well, I think it’s important to not talk someone’s ear off about all the misgivings and weird ideas you have in your head. I think this place is a great way to show my personality and the things that I’m randomly thinking of. And hey, if I can be as elderly as a raisin and be able to look back at this blog, I think that’s pretty neat.

As to #2:

Can’t really say yet, but watch out for April – got some NEWS FOR YOU!!! Life-changing news. Huge. Bigly. Really.

As to #3:

Also can’t say, but you know, bigly news in April.


So yea, just an update on things I’ve done since my last post wayyyyyy in the yonder of April 2018.

  • Started at Kellogg’s – wild ride, but super fun! Been there for almost 1.5 years now. Crazy to see that time has FLEW like someone’s wig.
  • Got to go on vacations! Went to Palm Springs with my mom, then LA with my boyfriend, then Antigua (10/10, shoutout to St. James Club) with my boyfriend and his family, and a cruise trip in January with my family.
  • Started vlogging! If you don’t follow me on Instagram (@shekit), please do (she said quietly and desperately)
  • & some more stuff, but I’ll keep that on the DL for now. 😉


That’s it! Again, will try to update (once in a blue moon), but definitely feels good to start writing all of thoughts in my head here. 🙂




“What have I been up to. Part 2”

Hi everyone!

First off, I want to apologize to past Jasmine that was way too hopeful that I could keep this up. I’m not going to lie, there were instances where I was like “oh damn, I should probably update this blog” and then I promptly went to ignore all of that.

But, now that I’m sitting at a Freshii, re-evaluating my life choices, I figured today is a good time to get back into the rhythm. So,

Jasmine, what on earth have you been up to?

So, my last update was in November (yay a solid 6 months later, I’m giving ya’ll an update). What happened then? Well, my transition to Kellogg’s, mainly. AND WHAT ELSE?


Yea, hard to believe 6 months past and, well, nothing really changed. Not anything note-worthy anyway. But like I said, I’m going to have dig to keep you guys entertained. Har Har.

But yes, work. So, when I first started this role, I was actually hired contract. So the whole shabang – no benefits, no paid vacation (outside of % pay) and stuff like that. In the beginning, I didn’t mind especially being with a huge organization like where I am. Now, I can say that I’ve been accepted as full time! TO THE DENTIST I GO!!!!

Outside of work, I’ve been with my boyfriend of 9 months now. Surprised he’s still here – guess I didn’t scare him……………………………..yet. (jk, maybe).

What else? It’s vacation time in 23 days! I CANNOT WAIT. I feel like I need a good solid 2 years of vacation with the amount of grey hairs that I accumulated in the past few months. But, yes, I’ll post updates on what exactly I’m going to be doing. I’m delving into vlogging more, but pretty excited to head on out.

Other than that, not too much. (Wow I’m so boring). I’ll post random tidbits of random stuff, but other than that, I won’t be as frequent as I was when I first started. (more active on Insta, trying to get that sponsorship $$$$$$$$$$).


Thanks everyone! See you soon!
